Wednesday 1 November 2017

World Vegan Day

To believe man has come from apes and apes only eat plants, when did we become smart enough to eat other animals? Or more importantly, why have we not realized as a collective, that we have no reason to consume the parts of another sentient being?

From a basic biological perspective, we have a digestive tract set up to consume plants and not flesh. Animals that consume flesh have short intestines whereas humans have comparatively long intestines. When the human body must process meats, this meat has to travel such a distance and remain in the body for far longer than it naturally would in a carnivorous animal. This excessive time spent in the body weighs one down, causes the body to become more acidic, and leaves excess iron and sulfur in the digestive tract which is far from pleasant to smell. When speaking of carnivorous animals, they have very acidic stomachs which break down the meats quickly. In humans, the digestive system must excrete extra acids and the organs must work overtime to break down the unnatural substances introduced.

From an energetic perspective, imagine what is in the foods being eaten, beyond the physical impurities. We are warned not to consume too much fish for example, especially larger fish such as tuna. This is because there are high concentrations of mercury that accumulate as you move up the food chain. Small fish contain small amounts of mercury and as the larger fish consume them, that mercury accumulates upwards and so on. Consider the accumulation of toxins and impurities that would be present in animals that are killed at the hands of man. Let me first say that the idea of “humane killing” does not exist. There is no humane way to end a life that did not want to be ended. When this happens, there is much resistance in the being that is about to have its life taken. Living beings all have survival as their top priority and any attempt to cut their lives short would be against their will. You would want someone trying to murder you and end your life early, it would bring you great grief, fear,  and anxiety; it would be tragic. Then for other animals, this is also the case. They are held against their will, confined to small spaces, and separated from their social bonds. They experience the emotions anyone else would of anxiety, fear, deep sadness, pain etc. and then they are killed and packaged up with all these poisons ever present in their tissues. You consume this, you, at the top of the food chain. And you, will carry an ever building level of pain, grief, sadness, and outrage. This emotion is expressed as anger, frustration, and blame.

The impact of animal product consumption is deep and affects us at a cellular level. This has been understood for a long time now as it is observed in spiritual customs that meat is not to be consumed. This choice is part of more than just the physical world around us. This choice is a stepping stone towards closeness with a higher power, closeness with the spirit. Consuming flesh is unnatural, it is disruptive to the body and takes away important energy to spend it on digestion and cleansing. Each organ must work extra to process and then clean up after the mess. To connect deepest with the spirit is to be clear in all senses of the word. Clear of obstructions, clear of waste, and abundant with energy and an open heart.

The tissues of animals were not intended to be fuel for the human body. The human body is supposed to be an intelligent design, above all other beings on the planet. Therefore, consuming other beings serves as a disruptor to the body, not an enhancer. To be human is to be of the highest level of consciousness. To eat meat, as building blocks of your body, is to bring yourself down to the plane of consciousness that is animals. This state is for the animals and does not serve you as you experience what it is to thrive as a human being. When you bring yourself down from the human plane of consciousness, you will be removed from the spiritual experience, removed from bliss and joy. As a human being, you have the great gift of experiencing the true nature of the world, the nature of the universe, the true nature of God. You are a great protector of the world we live in, not a destroyer. You deserve to experience the full extent of the human experience. Seek love and compassion. Be free and let those around you be free as they are too.

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